Credit Agencies


image-20230505105936-1Credit Agencies

Equifax            800-685-1111
Experian          888-397-3742
Transunion      888-909-8872


Fraud Alert vs Credit Freeze

Fraud Alert

  • Makes vendors verify your identity before granting a new credit in your name
  • Free
  • Available to anyone who is or suspects they may be affected by identity theft
  • Last one year
  • To activate contact one of the three credit bureaus.  That bureau must tell the other two


Credit Freeze

  • Restricts access to your credit report to help prevent identity theft.  (Usually you'll need a PIN or password to life the freeze. Do not lose it!) 
  • Free
  • Available to anyone
  • Lasts until you lift it
  • To place or lift: Contact all three credit bureaus.  (if you know which bureau a lender will use, you can lift for only that one)